
Monday, February 8, 2010

General FAQ

What is "ICDL"?
ICDL stands for International Computer Driving Licence. It is a standard of basic computer competence endorsed by the UNESCO Cairo Office (UCO). It recognizes the skills people already have or the skills they attain through training. To achieve an ICDL, the CANDIDATE must successfully pass one theoretical and six practical tests on- Basic concepts of IT- Using the computer and managing files- Word processing- Spreadsheets- Databases- Presentation- Information and CommunicationThese tests can be attempted in any order and at any time and must be successfully completed within maximum duration of three years. Each successfully completed test is endorsed on an ICDL Skills Card. Only an accredited Test can carry out testing and issue Skills Cards.When tests for all 7 modules are successfully completed and the Skills Card is fully endorsed by a Test , it is sent to the UCO and a personalized Certificate (Licence) is issued.ICDL is not a training course and UCO does not provide training. If training is required, this can be acquired through training providers. Trainees should ensure that the training they receive meets the requirements of the ICDL Syllabus. Training providers do not have to be accredited by the UCO to deliver training, but they must be accredited to administer ICDL tests.The ICDL concept began in Europe in 1996, has spread to other continents and is now available in over 31 countries. There are now more than one million ICDL/ECDL registerants around the world.

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