
Friday, May 20, 2011

Revision quiz for students ready to do the ECDL module 1 test

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Revision quiz for students ready to do the ECDL module 1 test

Question Excerpt From ECDL Module 1

Q.1) Which of the following could be termed a 'peripheral'?


B. Operating system software

C. E-mail

D. Screen

Q.2) Information Technology can be defined as:

A. The combination of hardware, software and communications technologies

B. The combination of a user and the Internet

C. Bits and bytes


Q.3) Which of these types of computer are suitable for use on a train journey?

A. Mainframe

B. Network server

C. Laptop


Q.4) Which of these is the largest?

A. 1 Terabyte

B. 1 Gigabyte

C. 1 Megabyte

D. 1 Kilobyte

Q.5) Which of these factors has the greatest impact on a computer's performance?

A. The size of the screen

B. The speed of the processor

C. The amount of ROM

D. The speed of the printer

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