
Friday, April 15, 2011

ECDL / ICDL Module 12 - IT Security

ICDE / ECDL Online

ECDL / ICDL Module 12 - IT Security

This new security-specific module is intended for computer users at home or at work (rather than for IT professionals) and it will enable those who spend a considerable amount of time online or using a computer during the course of their work or at home to protect both themselves and their data from a range of fraudulent/malicious activities. This module is equally useful for individuals, employers, and educationalists.

The range of skills and knowledge contained in this module are particularly relevant in the current technological landscape because more and more people are now using computers to communicate, share information and purchase goods and services online. As a result, cybercrime is becoming more widespread, and methods of, for example, phishing, spamming, and breaching security are becoming more sophisticated - as are the new technologies that facilitate them.

Please note that as this module has only been recently developed by ECDL Foundation, it might not yet be available in your country. Please contact your national operator to confirm its availability.

Candidates who successfully complete ECDL / ICDL Module 12 - IT Security shall be able to:

•Understand and identify the main concepts underlying the secure use of ICT in daily life

•Use relevant techniques and applications to maintain a secure network connection

•Use the Internet safely and securely

•Manage data and information appropriately

•Understand the key concepts relating to the importance of secure information and data, physical security, privacy and identity theft

•Protect a computer, device or network from malware and unauthorised access

•Understand the types of networks, connection types and network specific issues including firewalls

•Browse the World Wide Web and communicate on the Internet securely

•Understand security issues related to communications including e-mail and instant messaging

•Backup and restore data appropriately and safely, and securely dispose of data and devices

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